Jed DeWick and Elizabeth Kayatta Win $1.1 Million Verdict in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit



A Suffolk Superior Court jury today awarded $800,000 to a 77-year-old Foxboro woman who was injured during a kidney operation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in December 2007. The woman’s husband was also awarded $300,000 by the jury.


The jury of eight men and five women deliberated for five hours before handing down the verdict to Joanne Landers and Michael Landers.


The jury found that Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s then Chief of Urology Dr. Jerome Richie was negligent when he failed to repair damage to Landers’ small intestine that had occurred during surgery on Landers’ kidney. Since then Mrs. Landers has suffered repeated bowel obstructions and surgeries.


According to evidence during the seven-day trial, Richie departed from the operating room before the procedure was completed and failed to tell Mrs. Landers or her family that her small bowel had been injured.


“This verdict is long-awaited justice for Mrs. Landers and her family,” said the Landers’ trial attorney Jed DeWick of Arrowood Peters LLP of Boston. Attorney Elizabeth Kayatta also represented Mr. and Mrs. Landers during the trial.

