Cathleen Augusto and Sarah Sousa held a panel discussion entitled “How to Excel as a Second Chair” on behalf of the New Lawyers Section at the Boston Bar Association.


Cathleen Augusto and Sarah Sousa held a panel discussion entitled “How to Excel as a Second Chair” on behalf of the New Lawyers Section at the Boston Bar Association. Lisa Arrowood served as one of five distinguished panelists and Cathleen moderated the panel. Panelists shared their experiences both as second chairs and as lead counsel working with second chairs at trial, providing valuable insight into the role. The discussion covered a range of topics related to second chairing and trial work generally, including effective trial preparation, tips for assisting lead counsel during trial, and techniques for dealing with potential obstacles second chairs may encounter as they begin to take the lead at trial. Throughout the discussion, panelists reflected on their growth as litigators and shared their “do’s” and “don’ts” of second chairing. During the last segment of the program, panelists answered attendee questions regarding their experiences with second chairing and tips for successful trial work.
