Arrowood LLP Moving To New Office Location


Arrowood LLP is on the move. Effective March 1, 2025, the firm will relocate to its new suite of offices located at One Bowdoin Square, at the foot of Beacon Hill in downtown Boston.

The firm’s new address will be:

Arrowood LLP
One Bowdoin Square
Suite 300
Boston, MA 02114

Conveniently located, Arrowood LLP’s new offices are in close proximity to the Massachusetts State Courthouse, as well as other state and city courthouses.

“We’re excited to be moving into our attractive new space, and looking forward to continuing to provide the same level of outstanding service our valued clients have come to expect from our firm,” said Lisa G. Arrowood, founding partner. “Rest assured, our move will cause no disruption to any client services.”

While Arrowood LLP’s location will change, the firm’s phone and fax numbers will remain the same.
